Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC)

The Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC) consists of four research groups, which focus on new catalytic methods, liquid crystals, functional biomolecules and nanocarbon materials.

Research Groups of the Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC)

AK Laschat

Synthesis of natural products, dyes, liquid crystals, catalysis

To the page of the AK Laschat

AK Richert

Prebiotic chemistry, DNA-based nanostructuring, NMR-based structure elucidation

To the page of the AK Richert

AK Krueger

Nanocarbon Materials

To the page of the AK Krueger

AK Peters

Cooperative asymmetric catalysis

To the page of the AK Peters



Institute of Organic Chemistry

Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart

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