An overview of equipment from the Laschat Research Group and other institutes of the University of Stuttgart:
Glove box | MB150-GI from MBraun |
Differential scanning calorimetry | DSC822e from Mettler-Toledo |
Enantiomer determination | Finnigan Trace GC 2000 Ultra from Thermo Electron Corporation |
GC | Trace GC 2000 Ultra from Thermo Electron Corporation with a Optima-5-MS column (30 m, Ø = 0.25 mm) from Machery-Nagel |
GC-MS | Trace DSQ from Thermo Electron with a Optima-5-MS column (30 m, Ø = 0.25 mm) from Machery-Nagel |
HPLC | HPLC from Shimadzu |
Ozone Generator | Model 502 from Fischer |
Polarimeter | Polarimeter 241 from Perkin Elmer |
Polarization microscope | Olympus BX 50 from Olympus with a LTS 350 heating chamber from Linkam |
Melting point | SMP-20 from Büchi |
UV/Vis spectrometer | UV 160 from Shimadzu |
X-Ray diffraction | AXS Nanostar C from Bruker |
Elemental analysis | Elemental Analyzer Model 1106 from Carlo Erba Strumentazione |
IR spectroscopy | FT-IR Spectrometer Vektor22 from Bruker with a MKII Golden Gate Single Reflection Diamond ATR-System |
Microwave | CEM Explorer from CEM |
Mass Spectromety |
CI: MAT 711 from Varian |
NMR Spectroscopy | Avance 250, Avance 300 and Avance 500 from Bruker |
X-Ray structure analysis | P3- / P4-diffractometer from Nicolet with a graphite-monochromator and Mo-Kα- / Cu-Kα radiation |